What is EC2? A brief explainer.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a cloud computing service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides users with on-demand access to virtual servers that can be used to host and run applications.

EC2 is a popular choice for many organizations because it allows them to quickly and easily spin up new servers as needed. This makes it easy to scale up or down as needed, and only pay for the computing power that is actually used.

EC2 also offers a wide range of customizable options, including different instance types and operating systems, so users can choose the configuration that best fits their needs.

One of the main reasons to use EC2 is to run applications that require a lot of computing power or that need to be highly available. For example, if you are running a website that receives a lot of traffic, you might use EC2 to host the web servers that serve your content.

Another common use case for EC2 is to run batch processing jobs, such as data analytics or scientific simulations. Because EC2 allows you to quickly spin up and down servers as needed, it can be a cost-effective way to handle these types of workloads.

Overall, EC2 is a powerful and flexible cloud computing service that can be used to run a wide range of applications and workloads. If you have a need for on-demand access to virtual servers, EC2 is worth considering as part of your cloud computing strategy.


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