Talent Leadership Keynote Speaker | Clinton Henry

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What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation involves incorporating technology into a company's processes to drive significant change, resulting in improved efficiency, increased flexibility, and new value for stakeholders like employees, customers, and shareholders. Every company's digital transformation journey is unique, incorporating various technologies such as AI and cloud computing to enhance customer experiences or using machine learning to streamline supply chain operations. The key to success is embracing a new perspective and reinventing business practices from scratch.

Digitization and Digitalization

Digitization and digitalization are terms associated with digital transformation. Digitization refers to the conversion of analog information into digital format, like scanning a document and saving it on a computer. Digitalization, on the other hand, involves the use of digital technologies to transform business processes and projects, such as training employees to use new software platforms to accelerate product launch processes.

Although digitalization is a component of digital transformation, it extends beyond individual projects and influences the entire organization. This often requires companies to shift away from traditional thinking and embrace a more cooperative and innovative approach, leading to the discovery of new solutions that improve the customer experience, foster employee innovation, and drive business growth.